Wednesday, June 3, 2015

the Sea’s Melody

I hear the sound of the sea,
right off the shore, swoosh swoosh
through its consistently tremendous surge,
 Astonish me
With its endless power
I hear the sound of the sea,
during a quiet midnight with a full moon, shhh shhh
through its slender rising and falling tide
Spawning my soothing
and eventual sleepy dreams
I hear the sound of the sea
when I am sleeping on the beach, hush hush
Imagine its incredible immensity
Ahh! Dreaming about my amazing melodic journey
with moonlit sky and shimmering vast ocean  

Self Publishing Project
For the self publishing poem project, I wrote "the Sea's Melody". I chose sea as my topic because it really astonishes me and I want more people to hear the graceful sound of the sea.
Writing a poem is quite easy, but how to publish it will somehow be difficult for me. At the beginning, I actually have no idea of how to let more people read my poem. I went to many places, including Old Barn Community Center, UBC Campus, UBC Bus Station, UBC Bookstore, Science building, Norma Rose Point, and the beach. In Norma Rose, I met two people who shared their own opinions about my poem.

Throughout this project, I learned not only how to write a great poem but also some communication skills and social experiences. Although it is not perfect, I use these skills to do more things better.

This is my own video of my process of publishing my poem.

I also made a small music video of my poem "The Sea's Melody". I chose the beach as my background because it really fits with my poem's content.

This is the link: